New Baby & Your Highly Sensitive Child

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You’re pregnant & ready to welcome a new baby into your home. Yay!!
You’re so excited for baby’s arrival, but then it hits you…. The guilt.

Oh, hello there again mom guilt, we haven’t been acquainted since… oh, I don’t know… 5 hours ago? 

You start thinking… 
Will I be able to love new baby as much as I loved my first?
Will I be taking time away from my first child for baby? 
Will my highly sensitive child be able to handle this transition? 
Will he resent baby for the time that’s taken away? 

I totally understand your concerns about bringing a sibling into your family dynamic. 
It’s a huge change for everyone involved. 

Here’s what I think when it comes to older siblings and introducing a new baby…. I think it’s so great to talk about this change with our children. It’s definitely a shift, but it’s one that my Highly sensitive child has thrived in. 
Of course, we have sibling tiffs. But, overall, they are best friends! 

3 Tips for bringing a new baby into your home with an older sibling who is highly sensitive.

1. Talk about things that will happen (crying, feeding, changing diapers etc).

There are a ton of really awesome sibling books on it.

Watch shows like Daniel Tiger or Bluey etc.

Pretend play with a baby doll.

2. Have him help and be involved with baby.

Ask him how he wants to help and what he’d like to learn more about helping baby. 

3. Never blame baby for why you can’t be with him.

For example, instead of saying “I can’t right now, I have to feed baby.” Say… “I’m really looking forward to doing that with you. Let’s plan to do it in 5 minutes. Will you start or will I?” 

Make it obvious when you take time for him over baby…. This sounds silly, but it’s effective. For example, if he asks for help… even if baby is sound asleep in a swing… you might look in baby’s direction and say, “Oh, hold on just 5 minutes, baby, I’m going to help big brother right now. Thank you for waiting for me baby.” So, you’re not only telling big brother when he has to wait, you’re letting big brother see/hear that he is also getting your attention and baby has to wait on you too (that they both have to wait sometimes).

I hope this helps in your transition! Congratulations and best of luck.

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